A Grateful Celebration!

If you follow Portraits that Move, you know that we practice gratitude every day, for every moment. We are truly grateful for the work we get to do, the families we meet, and the stories we help them share.

That’s why we have been overflowing with gratitude since we returned from our trip to Mitzvah Market’s Celebrate Showcase in Long Island. We got to know some wonderful families, we had the chance to share Mitzvah Montages and Movies, to talk about what we do for Mitzvah families that is different from what they have seen and more powerful than they expected. We also had the opportunity to chat with other creative, hardworking people who commit to giving Bar and Bat Mitzvah families and their guests’ truly amazing experiences.

Thank you to everyone who talked with us and shared ideas and dreams for their events. And a heartfelt thank you to all of the energetic, helpful folks from Mitzvah Market who made the event possible.

If you didn’t make it out to the Showcase, take a look at some of our highlights.

If you are ready to schedule your Mitzvah Movie or Montage, get in touch now. Things are getting busy and we want to get started right away!